Current Monthseptember Grocery Giveaway @ Live Forgiven Church 15sepAll DayGrocery Giveaway @ Live Forgiven ChurchEmail us if you are interested: TimeAll Day (Sunday) CalendarGoogleCal Sunset/Super Moon Hike on the Blueridge Parkway 18sepAll DaySunset/Super Moon Hike on the Blueridge ParkwayEmail us if you'd like to come: TimeAll Day (Wednesday) CalendarGoogleCal IF Dinner @ Melissa's house 27sepAll DayIF Dinner @ Melissa's houseFriday Night TimeAll Day (Friday) CalendarGoogleCal october Pizza Making & Game Night 04octAll DayPizza Making & Game NightEmail us if you'd like to go: TimeAll Day (Friday) CalendarGoogleCal IF Dinner @ Melissa's house 25octAll DayIF Dinner @ Melissa's houseFriday Night TimeAll Day (Friday) CalendarGoogleCal Hiking Trip 26octAll DayHiking TripEmail us if you want to come: TimeAll Day (Saturday) CalendarGoogleCal november No Events "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm, plans to give you a hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11